The Wonderworks of Blogging

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Decades ago, it took twenty one months to publish a few words, and another twenty one to see them acknowledged. Today, it takes an about twenty one minutes. How you ask? Blogging – Simple, sincere blogging. And there are over a 150 million bloggers today who can testify to that.

So sit back and take a deep one, the next few minutes could be the most worthwhile you ever spent online.

Why blog?

1. Get a better job
Fact – employers prefer to hire people with a positive online influence and blogging is the single best way to achieve that.
It is common for companies to mine for online profiles before making a hire. Having our own blog will undoubtedly stand out.

2. Boost your business
Whether it be a founded business, or even a hobby, blogging has the potential to make it a full-time business.
Each blog you post is a unique opportunity to strengthen relationships with existing client, and even develop new ones. This is a chance to prove your product worthy and build trust in your domain. Find opportunities to grow your business by planting passive income ‘seeds’ that could make you money, passively, for a very long time.

3. Become a recognized author
Love to write? This is your playground and your battle zone.
The best possible way to know how good you are, and where you need to improve, is to blog actively. The benefit of this activity is that you can analyze feedback from your readers, or even interact with them, and tune up efficiently.
Publishers would much rather sign contracts with a writer who already has a consistent fan base. So blogging not only improves your writing skill, but also puts you on the fast lane to being published.

4. Improve your SEO
Put up content that readers love to read, and search engines will simply pull you up the rank-list. Frequent posts of quality content are a reliable way to build traffic.

5. Stay home!
This is perhaps one of the top advantages of blogging. You barely have to step outside ever, let the benefits come to you.

These are but a few among a long list of benefits, each worth every minute spent.

Getting started: The steps are simple.

1. Find a good topic
Pick a topic that you know too well to be silent. One that you are confident about, and will spike interest in readers.
But also keep in mind to diversify your list of topics. Different topics means wider readership.

2. Plan your layout
Before you begin, cover stuff like your list of key-points, and your target audience. This will keep you in track.

3. Don’t touch backspace
Once begun, don’t stop to edit. Let’s keep the flow going. Save editing for later.

4. Revise
This is where editing plays role. Once done writing, re-read to look for breaks. If there’s something you are not sure about, leave a place-mark (like a long blank space),and move to the next. Finally return, do a little research if necessary, and fill the spaces.

5. Hit publish!

Tips to remember:

1. Be original
Simply put, dot not copy! A blog posted by you is as unique as you are. Copying simply drags the genuineness right down waste land. Believe that your blog is your identity the world will come to see. Let’s keep it real.

2. Read much about blogging
Follow top bloggers, learn simple tactics and styles. Use them to define your own style.
Also read about legalities involved with blogging.

3. Exploit your Plug-ins
Make good use of plug-ins like Akismet- anti-spam plug-in, and Sharebar- lets readers share content. But keep the number of plug-ins to a minimum.

4.Be creative
blend your posts with photos, screenshots, or even videos that you feel relevant. Make it lively and fun to read!

5. Love your readers
encourage comments to your post, and respond promptly. Show them that you appreciate it. Or maybe even visit their blogs and leave supportive comments.

And most of all,
6. Provide quality through every page.
So get started right away, and bring the change to your lifestyle from right where you are sitting!

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