10 Commandments of The Complete Developer

The Wonderworks of Blogging
February 22, 2014
Link Building Ethical
Link Way to the Top: Race Your Website on the Rank-Lists
February 26, 2014
The Wonderworks of Blogging
February 22, 2014
Link Building Ethical
Link Way to the Top: Race Your Website on the Rank-Lists
February 26, 2014

The world takes a new step closer to the heights of technology; every step owes its footage to the empire of everything – the internet. Being able to establish your own share of control is more than just a simple work of design. Developers, fathom the level of control at your fingertips. The 10 commandments are not merely protocol, but are also a guide to reaching the creme of web developers.

1. Understand the concept of programming
Easy as it may sound, it is not for everyone. Understanding the concept behind the outcome of code, whatsoever the language maybe, is fundamental even at the lowest levels of web development. Mastering this makes all else light as feather.

2. Keep up with technology
Keep yourself updated about not just the technology at hand alone, but also about the rising trends in technology and development in your field of expertise. Be aware of upcoming technologies, and increase the flexibility of your work to adapt to newer platforms.

3. Be unique
Uniqueness is not just about adopting your own style to your work, but also in how you manage your problems. It’s not about finding your own solution, but about not compromising for anything less than the best solution. Let your work be your signature on the internet.

4. Know our potential
Be well aware of the things you can do, and the things you cannot. Test your limits, improve constantly, reach new horizons. This will help see hurdles in the way even before they appear.

5. Be one in a circle of developers
When the going gets tough, or if you find yourself in a lock, it is not unwise to seek advice from fellow developers. Share ideas, and counter common problems together.

6. Focus not on how Big, but on how Good
Give primary level importance to the quality of your work. Competition is inevitable even in the field of web development, it’s your product that will define and rate you as a web developer.

7. Organize your information well
The information you acquire and intend to broadcast must be concise and in the layman’s format. The way you manage and organize the information will directly affect traffic in your website. Overcrowding of information, or the lack of it are common mistakes a developer must avoid.

8. Updated information
Though it goes without saying, revise the information you provide, and also the way it is presented, once in a while. Outdated information will drag your work down.

9. Test Test Test
This being a crucial step in web development, must never be avoided. Test your product to its limits. It helps uncover holes and vulnerabilities in your work. Identify problems, rectify them, test again. Repeat this cycle as many times as you feel necessary. Then test some more!

10. Healthy body, Healthy mind
Spend time to maintain a healthy body, and a healthy mind. The lack of either could affect the quality of your work.