Four Smartwatch based Local Search Trends to Look out for in the near Future

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Four Possibilities that will portray Smart-watch as the Next Local Search Platform

It seems that most technology firms such as Google, Samsung and Microsoft are focusing on the development of wearable device’s technology. For the past few months, we have witnessed many of these companies introduced wearable and ‘smart’ devices such as Google Glass, Moto 360, Apple Watch and Galaxy Gear. Smart watch is one such category of wearable devices which local search industry is looking forward into because of the potential opportunities smart watch offer to local search marketers.

Many experts in the local search industry are saying people will prefer to use smart watches than Google Glass as the former are pretty similar to a smartphone and possess a screen-based UI interface. While you may not be interested in looking at Dick Tracy, as a marketer you are probably thinking of how this will impact local SEO. Also, you need to find out what kinds of marketing opportunities it can offer you and ways that people navigate the local search. Here the four possibilities which most local search experts think that smart watches will become the next marketing platform.

Interactions based on Location and Proximity

Smart watches have one main advantage over mobile devices and it is the increased use of the former when you consider location and proximity triggered interactions. For instance, to accept a coupon, users would simply have to wave their wrist over a sensor or look at their wrist and this means that it is more likely that people will respond to these types of interactions given how easy it could be. If it is much easier to attract a user’s attention, than local enterprises would be wise to start implementing some sort of proximity or location based interaction now itself. When these smart watches become a popular wearable device, local enterprises can develop content strategies for getting more visibility in those tiny screens.

Opt-in Messaging and Alerts

It is very difficult to read text content on your smart watch screen and here you need to optimize your content strategy so that you can come up with more concise content. Also, you need to post content that is truly relevant and useful to your target audience. Users can choose what they want to see and when, if there is opt-in messaging and alerting functions in smart watches. These opt-in messages need relevant keywords that will convey the core business of local enterprises. Businesses have to be more aware of the types of real-time local search campaign with this type of permission-based marketing and this will help enterprises to stay ahead of the competition.

Given the tiny screen and all, users might not want to put so much effort into getting the information they want. So, it is better for users to get their local search criteria per-filtered. This is the perfect opportunity for local businesses to create hyper localized and relevant apps for gaining more local search presence. Many experts say that more local search benefits can be gained if local enterprises collaborate together in the development of personalized search apps.

Optimized App development

As it’s difficult to read website content via smart watch, users will mostly prefer to read content in app form and thereby it will be easier to use than scrolling through website content in a screen that is very small. Local businesses have to introduce apps that help their target audience to digest information faster. Brands might want to consider apps that give streamlined, concise content and tools instead of mimicking their website. Also, businesses need to find ways to provide more search exposure for their apps as smart watch users use voice command using their watch’s built-in search engine.

Keyword Relevancy

As you are aware, with the popularity of smart watches, location-specific keywords will get more importance in local search. If a smart watch user is browsing for information on the go, surely they want information specific to their location. As location is one of the main determining factors that influence consumer behavior in a real-time environment, local enterprises need to focus more than ever on relevant local content and local SEO.

These are the four ways local search marketers can utilize to increase brand visibility via smart watch. With further development in the wearable device technology, more opportunities may arise and help marketers to fulfill their marketing goals successfully.