Five Content Marketing Efforts that You Totally Need to Avoid

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Five Content Marketing Strategies that are Deemed Ineffective

If you are implementing online marketing campaigns for reaching out your target audience, then you must need useful and relevant content to attract their attention towards you or your brand. There are several ways in content marketing to attract a major chunk of online traffic to your site. There are businesses that give no importance to content and they develop content only to “impress” search engines, not their target audience. Some of them use strategies that are not so effective, or even redundant. Here is a list of content marketing tactics that are deemed ineffective in your brand promotional campaign.

Treating Your Content as a Sale or Promotional Material

When it comes to marketing or advertising campaigns, treating your content as a sales or promotional material won’t give you benefits such as ROI, high web traffic or conversion sales. If you want these benefits then you need to make your content richer and deeper so that your target audience will engage with it. You need to have a true goal other than conversion, and it must be bringing value to your audience’s lives. According to industry experts, content that is of good-quality enriches the customer and that should be how you should treat your content when you use it for marketing purposes.

Not Setting Goals Before Starting Your Campaign

If you are one to something, you need to set goals first and when it comes to setting goals for your content marketing campaign, far too many marketers do not set clear goals before starting their campaign. As such, they do not know where they should be focusing for. We all know that content marketing has a level, and in order to get past it, content audits and new ways to your content is required. Unless you begin setting goals from the start where you want your content marketing to take you, you are not going to know how well your marketing has done and if it can or should be improved. One of the most important things for a content marketer to do is setting clear goals and fulfilling them in the specified time frame.

Blog Comments

Blogging is one of the popular and important tactics in content marketing, and it still provides considerable benefits to marketers and businesses. Your blog gets a value when it gets comments from your readers and it is seen as an actual interaction. One thing you come to learn quickly is that the number of blog comments is another one of those misleading metrics since the actual amount of comments on a single post does not necessarily associate with the amount of leads or visits you get from the post. Although the amount of comments is a parameter that some advertisers use as a go-to, it really is not nearly an accurate description of a blog’s performance in terms of marketing.

Not Making Your Content More Customer-Centric

This is similar to treating your content as a sales material. You need to keep in mind that it’s your target audience that drives your earnings, and your content is supposed to attract and interest them. This means that you need to engage with your readers on a comfortable level, and here emotional is one of the most effective ways to get them interested in your product/service but it is not exactly the same for your blog/article. You have to treat your target audience with respect and not talk down to them and this includes making false claims in your content campaign, because when you do that you assume your audience just won’t check your references and contact you out of it.

Ad Impressions Counting

Sometimes ad impressions counters are pretty much misleading as their code can be done in a number of inappropriate ways for a content marketer to use. Some counters add one to the count every time the page loads, whether or not the ad was actually visible to the user. You can see where this can be an issue, since if the ad is not visible, it is really not making much of an impression. Looking at the number of impressions can give you a false sense of how many people are actually seeing your ad and in turn can make you think that you need to change the ad copy, when all you really need to do is change the location of the advertisement.

So, instead of spending your time on the above mentioned ‘strategies’, it could be put to use improving and streamlining your content marketing campaign. Thereby you can expect the results totally in your favor.