Facebook Introduced New Tools for Helping Publishing Enterprises

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You can Now utilize Facebook’s New Publisher Tools to Target Audiences

According to its new blog posted on December 10th, Facebook have been receiving requests from publishers around the world to better understand how Facebook can help them connect with people on its social networking platform. As a result, Facebook has created a new set of tools for media publishers, made some necessary improvements to Insights and have included more resources and communication channels for publishers. Based on the requests made by the publishers, Facebook has now introduced ways to target posts, remove those posts that are no longer relevant and identify quality links that you have not shared yet.

  • Interest Targeting – For more precise targeting of posts, Facebook has now made it easier so that your Facebook Page can focus on target audiences just like how you target ads and boosted posts based on a specific audience. Also the social media site is extending that ability to organic posts. 
  • Post End Date – Facebook is now providing an expiry date on your posts so that you don’t have to remove posts manually. While the posts will still be live on your Facebook page. You can set a date for it to stop being displayed in people’s News Feeds. For instance, if you are posting a sale that is only for today, it wouldn’t do any benefit for people who see that post the next day. That’s when you could set an end date so your audience doesn’t end up seeing posts with dated content. According to Facebook, both the Post End Date and Interest Targeting features are now available to all its Pages that have activated the Targeting and Privacy setting. But for now, these two features are only accessible on the desktop platform at the moment.
  • Improved Insights – You may have noticed that one of your article posts has witnessed a popularity surge recently and you are not sure about the reason behind it. One of the reasons may include your post being shared by an influence or a popular business entity on their Facebook page. That’s among the insights you will have access to with the improvements rolled out by the social media site. There are analytics features that are more accurate and actionable, and they consist of a way to categorize data based on time frame specifications, including hourly insights and displaying URL-level reports via new Top URLs section. 
  • Smart Publishing – With the Smart Publishing tool you can now eliminate the guess work out of deciding what stories on your site to share with your Facebook audience. This feature, which is now currently available to few media publishers, will automatically display your content that has got more shares, in the news feeds of people who liked your page. The social media giant indicates that they are hoping to make Smart Publishing more widely available in the near future. 

With Facebook introducing publisher-friendly tools, businesses can customize and post content to target audience and can monitor their actions using Facebook’ Page Insights.