Check Out The Reasons Why Your Site Gets Penalized??

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The dreaded Google penalty is something which is very unpleasant for the webmaster.  Checking out the site’s search appropriateness will be very useful for you to judge what will be the exact cause to get penalized. A person who can track out what may be issue and how to assess such a situation is likely to get not penalized.  It is a fact that Google is not going to let others know the main criteria for hitting penalty for some of the websites. So, one must not rely upon Google or any other sources for penalty criteria’s. A deep research and study will gradually help you gain what are the root causes of penalty. Differentiating what are good for you and what are not, is a very challenging task. And those who succeed in this will surely going to succeed within this race.

How to recognize whether your site has been penalized??

The foremost step to look for whether you website has been penalized will be not getting a good position within the search engine for your optimized keywords. The initial step which will indicate a penalty will be drastic fall off traffic. The traffic rate indicates where you stand. But sudden change in traffic never exactly indicates that you are penalty. Such a strategy will also indicate the keyword optimized is not now so popular. Since selecting keywords has lot to do within SEO strategies. Such an issue can be only put to an end once you put constant track over the search terms used.

Particulars one should notice about getting penalized

The main thing to carry out one you get penalized is to start up with Google Webmaster Tools. By starting with Google Webmaster Tools, one can analyze a lot of things, which where the root cause behind such an issue. One another thing to keep track of is Microsoft rank with Google; this makes you get an idea about penalty issue.

Top three list of things which Google impose a penalty 

  • Duplicate content: Creating duplicate content one of the top factor of being penalized. Creating duplicate content and gaming the system is of course the real path to penalty.
  • Keyword Stuffing: Keywords are something which must be handled with utmost care. Stuffing more than two keywords within your page is not at all a good practice.
  • Inbound Link profile:  Your link profile is something which Google frequently check up.  Any Links which are found out to be unnatural will be noted and penalized.